Saturday, February 21, 2009

Meet Me at What is the Next 25 Years on Long Island

I am a Long Islander.

I was born here.

I was raised here.

I learned to have a passion for hockey here.

I am, for all intents and purposes, a part of the fabric of 1401 square miles of some of the most densely populated land on the planet.

That is why I need the Lighthouse.

All of you who read this blog and have a passion for Long Island as a whole, should ask yourself this question: "What does the Lighthouse mean to me?"

I am a young man in search of a path to call my own. It has become a reality in the years after college that I was going to have to move off this Island that I've called home for the first 24 years of my life. The unfortunate truth is the fact that young people simply cannot get a foothold here with the cost of living and the lack of alternatives that would allow me to strike out on my own.

With that being said, it is my firm belief, that if two Long Islanders in Charles Wang and Scott Rechler want to give the place I live an identity, a place to call our own and something we can be proud of, we should give them the support that is necessary.

The Lighthouse transcends anything that happens with the New York Islanders. This is about Long Island. This is about you, me and everyone that has been contacted and shown their support (nearly 180 outreach attempts have brought back a 100% acceptance of the project).

This is about 60,000 construction and 20,000 permanent jobs.

This is about a Sports Complex that will attract State Championship after State Championship for all youth sports on Long Island.

This is about an improvement to the quality of life for all of us on Long Island. With roughly $60-$70 million dollars generated in revenue each year.

This is the "Imperfect Storm" as one Lighthouse Development spokesman stated.

Without your support this whole project could fall through the political cracks like so many before it.

It's time to take a stand and make our voices heard.

Tonight 2/21/09, at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, a "white-out" will be held to show how seriously we Long Islanders are about improving our lives. This is our time. This our home. our Lighthouse.

Please show your support by coming out in full force tonight and on Tuesday 2/24/09 at 10:30AM for the Approval of the Final Scope of the Project by the Town of Hempstead. The Lighthouse Project is ready. The Environmental Impact Study is ready.

Are you ready?

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